The Fruit Knife Set

This legendary fruit knife set has been in production for decades, and many remember this from grandmother's place. The batch of teak used for handles and found from the factory warehouse date back to the 50's and 60's.
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This legendary fruit knife set has been in production for decades, and many remember this from grandmother's place. The batch of teak used for handles and found from the factory warehouse date back to the 50's and 60's. Because of a long storage the teak might contain some slight differences in tone, which probably will stabilize over time. From the batch, we managed to produce 200 sets for sale. The set contains four fruit knives and a wooden stand for them. Also the boxes are old and original, found from the warehouse. This is not retro, this really is old. Fruits haven't been available year round for long, so the availability was marked with the use of an appropriate knife set. It's still not necessary to make them everyday utensils.
Measure and weight /mitat ja paino 
/mått och vista /messen und wiegen /medida y peso Knife in the sheath /puukko tupessa /kniv i slida /Messer in der Scheide /cuchillo en le vaina: Knife /puukko /kniv /messer /cuchillo: Blade / terä /blad /klinge /vaina
length / pituus /längd /länge /longitud: thickness / paksuus /tjocklek /stärke /espesor: ~
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The villagers and boys were amazed and in awe when a huge oddity rolled down the road in September, 1922. Alfred Kosola’s horses had to tax their strength when drawing a sleigh with an indenting hammer of 5.000 kilograms, along the snowless road to the Järvenpää’s factory. The cubs’ imagination really took over, when they began to hear a constant pounding from the factory. It was like an iron giant’s sledgehammer banging.

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