The Fillet Knife Eemeli

Eemeli is a traditional rounded-handle fillet knife from Iisakki Järvenpää. It's been in production since the beginning of the 70's. Length 30cm, knife 28cm, blade 16cm.
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Eemeli is a traditional rounded-handle fillet knife from Iisakki Järvenpää. It's been in production since the beginning of the 70's. The Eemeli Fillet Knife has a blade made of polished stainless steel. The handle is made of oiled curly birch tree and the sheath is made of light-coloured leather with a fish design cut into it. Length 30cm, knife 28cm, blade 16cm.

Measure and weight /mitat ja paino 
/mått och vista /messen und wiegen /medida y peso Knife in the sheath /puukko tupessa /kniv i slida /Messer in der Scheide /cuchillo en le vaina: 30cm/86gr Knife /puukko /kniv /messer /cuchillo: 27cm/50gr Blade / terä /blad /klinge /vaina
length / pituus /längd /länge /longitud: 16cm thickness / paksuus /tjocklek /stärke /espesor: 1mm
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The villagers and boys were amazed and in awe when a huge oddity rolled down the road in September, 1922. Alfred Kosola’s horses had to tax their strength when drawing a sleigh with an indenting hammer of 5.000 kilograms, along the snowless road to the Järvenpää’s factory. The cubs’ imagination really took over, when they began to hear a constant pounding from the factory. It was like an iron giant’s sledgehammer banging.

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